
Google MADA, which is likely an quality authorized lisence from Google to perform the GMS, Google Mobile Services, to ensure the quality product can sell in the market.

Google MADA, Mobile Application Distribution Agreement, which is about making sure to provide the quality service from Google to any Android users serving with GMS, Google Mobile Services. And MADA is the verification aka as simple as an examination from Google to the manufacturers of the smart device or the IDH, Integrated Design House, who's role is about designing the modules of the smart devices.
Google release the MADA to the factories, firstly for filtering the quality factories, secondly, Google also want the IDH to serve the OTA, Over The Air, online upgrade and update from the own OTA server, the IDH can work to more channels and users, which helps to save Google's resources. Before that, only the multinational brands such as Samsung or HTC would exist the own OTA server, or let the IDH company to assist them to operate such big brand's OTA server. When the models goes too old such as any dual-cores smart phone, the OTA service would end too, due to the product cycle like are supposed ended too. And the IDH core value are also from their own capability to have the hardware, software and own source code development.
Else of the IDH, the CPU factory such as MTK would provide the similar service too, they assembly with the own licenced code, and make it to be an OTA package, then, update to all MTK CPU users and channels, and such organisations update to all of their users.

For meeting that MADA, the smart devices factory needs to invest many intelligent resources, such more more CPM, Customer Product Manager, more engineers. It's due to any MADA owner are not supposed to refused any possibilities idea from any Android smart devices innovation, such as l.o.t., l.o.c., medical equipment aka any Google Cloud possibilities. And even capable to work with relative small volume of he order ranging from 3K - 5K etc, which needs high skill to control the factories production, and even strictly control the quality and hardware/software performance.
 The factories perform the above task are usually available of the knowledge and technology stated above. For example, the security patch experience likely the FOTA doing. They have been working with like CPU factory MTK to fix the bug of the deep code, and MTK would also check for them any new update from Google patch and update to them before. Part of the IDH was even do the 3PL, Third Party Licence, who run with MADA for the internal testing and internal R & D, allowing them to serve the big brands who are available of the MADA.

FOTA or OTA are currently free, FOTA's free are about the business model where attract more people to use it, when the user think which is valuable and helpful, the, it can establish the business model to charge the licence fee, lets say 50 cents per licence.

