
The Google's user A.I., one of the main bases is about the open source which is for A.I., human programming and more.

When we see the robot amazed us that we shall think the robot is just the user-end of the A.I. where makes us to live smart and more comfortable.  The core of the robot is still the A.I. operating wireless with online say as a sort of L.O.T.

The another big thing of A.I. is Tesla, where the human-less driving would make the road rules to be more regular than human in fact. What Tesla or Google Driving concern is about what does the user want and what does the user thinking while using.

The A.I. is not nor far from us, where can find it anywhere, for example, the weather report, where the private company got the info from the observatory station sensor's info, can integrate to be the own product such as indicator, the TV channel integrate to be the own reporting data-format, and currently, even to be the real-time update app especially designed for the outdoor working people.

The customization searching result is also a sort of the machine learning where Google keep all of any user's individual record after they agreed, and make the result much more close than any public info which helps to get the user to be more productivity.

When we massively use Google service, where are full of experiencing A.I. too, such as the YouTube text displaying function which is also from A.I., news update, Google Photo assembling, Allo Google Assistant where base on A.I. to have the custom recommendation.

To start the first step to be the massive user about the A.I. can start from massively use Google service even use YouTube as a personal CV or an enterprise brochure & catalog say as Enterprise Media.:  https://www.youtube.com/user/poseidonhk/about?disable_polymer=1

In that way, what we know about any Android Smart Devices which are also the user terminals to operate the A.I., smart phone is still the single biggest segmentation of such Android Smart Devices, and comes more.


The Google Cloud: Google A.I. knowledge worker, say as, RaaS, Robot as a Service

When we use the Google Photo, we can see that the Google cloud would auto-assembly the photo from our backup, and the photo taken with smart phone camera would come also the auto photoshop to display to be a face-beauty photo. Currently, Google edit also the Google Map photo in order to provide the more sharp image to the users with their A.I. Which is a starting of A.I., what service I need, and fulfill it with A.I.

in China, the market is about the fulfilling of higher demanding from the hardware device, and also design what services that the domestic market demand and execute with A.I., in fact, such area is very success from China, not India, India provide only the code assembling. Because China knows the customization of the domestic market. And know the way of using A.I. to realize it.

In China cloud start from CCTV to execute in police works and against the sex criminal. Also use in driving record with the smart phone sensors and I.O.T. sensors, it helps to reduce the traffic accident and criminal. The China custom also use it to define people's face-profile and identify the objects scan from the CCTV where might be the stolen items. And the Finance Police also use big-data to check any transaction comes with pure-virtual transaction for any washing of the illegal money, such as via game, and massive m-coupon.

A.I. would kill part of the low revenue white collar job, and create more high revenue white collar job. Just like the machine, where replace part of the low-level labors job before and create more technician job.

Currently, A.I. use also in the writing of the news targeting mainly any specific land's news where the ordinary reporters or their media would not go.  And copy also the famous traditional paintings too or edit the photo likely the photo-guru do. And the online ad use also massively the A.I. to customized to the users.


The coming core business of Google after Adword: Google cloud, say as Google A.I., after Internet+, that will be A.I.+

Google Cloud is the core business from its A.I., one of the available revenue from Google is about the sharing of the A.I. with Google APP developers and users, due to Google can provide the customization to the users which is a sort of the ad and selling to the Android APP developers. Google can keep of doing it also due to their strong machine learning.

A.I.: Identify the face of the people can be up to 3 million faces till 2017, which can replace part of the human job, medical diagnosis especially any radiation works. Currently, the sharp ad delivery from the social media is a sort of the A.I. common application.

The another market is security, in the city, most of the people are already familiar with living with the CCTV together and even the smart phone camera as well as sharing online.

Any sharing platform or sharing economy, lets say the bicycle, they can get many user's info with the business model from buying-on-demand aka rent-on-demand, and the second revenue is about the initial deposit from the users. One of such bicycle big data info-value is about who can buy and buy even more of the sport products.

One of the current main application is finance loan, the loan business, it can provide the mini loan in very short of time as short as only in few minutes. The biggest one currently from China can be up to 30 million per years. Which is even in a bank scale with less than 10% of the traditional bank staff amount. And which can also be for preventing from credit card fraud.

The another one is car driver, where can perform also better than human driver and the car is going to be likely a Internet Of Thing say as Internet Of Car.

Cross-Industry, edit, innovation, social skill service industry are the works that use A.I. as a tool instead of any works get replaced. 30 years ago, also raised up the opinion say as PC replace people, in fact, create even more quality jobs in the world, harm only to the blue collars, where make them get keep of reducing the revenue. Human is not same as A.I, Human's value are in creativity which beyond the productivity and interacting of human-to-human.

That A.I. is under changing the CPU again, where needs to re-design the CPU to fit for the A.I devices and hardware needs, likely Qualcomm change themselves in more than 10 years again to integrate wireless communication processor instead of Intel kept of focusing at documentary processor. And the more big issue is that the A.I may arrive suddenly when most of the people not prepared yet. Anyone can start experiencing it from using Google ALLO APP, where the SEO is about an A.I. to customized the result suggesting to the user.


The current China smart phone is not yet ready to fulfill the new demanding of the communication industry

The news saying the national security about China smart phone which is not existed or rather to express that there is a success PR ad. Since either trade the iPhone or the manufacturing of Android, where all the data are in the cloud of Apple or Google. So, which is the sharing system, even in the coming 5G standard going to use the Huawei standard, Apple and Google maintain with their big data.
The current biggest issue from China smart phone is about the own localized cloud to serve the end users, and the even more and more fast update of the hardware to support the more demanding, such as I.O.T., I.O.C. etc. When the user try to use all Google APP, that would found that the 2GB ROM + 16GB RAM is just met the requirement of the hardware. And in the coming time, more and more APP would integrate with the big data function such as the bus schedule to process the sharp arrival time, so, there are even more demanding to the hardware too.

In the coming 5G, comes the cloud life not just the mobile life. We are remember that when the board band Internet launched, much opportunity and innovation online explored due to the highway alike speed, such as the VoIP, in that 5G, which is even faster than using WiFi, so, the outdoor activity opportunity and innovation are going to explore too, and the smart city is one of the main theme to explore. Where more and more info sharing with smart phone and any social media are going to enrich a city's smart resources and process to be the opportunity and innovation with big data.

So, we have to expect the arrival of one more new world and expect the next big wave from China smart phone.


The China Android Smart Phone + Google Cloud Innovations, all from Google CDD, Compatibility Definition Document,

The China made smart phone can cover the world in a very short of the time is due to the cost sold as low as any customer's expectation. It does not mean bad, it's the device need to work with Google Play APP. So, the hardware get re-design in various times based on Google CDD, Compatibility Definition Document from Google to decide the hardware design such as size of screen, memory and sensor etc. Which is about the specification of the hardware.

The memory, usually based on the CPU structure to list the RAM & ROM to be the following GB combinations:
1 + 8
2 + 16
4 + 32
6 + 64
The hot selling items are with the above RAM & ROM combination, due to control the cost to be lower. If the user want to be higher capacity, it can setup the SD card by formatting the SD card while initially inserting into the smart phone and select the download to default of putting into the SD card. Part of the APP especially the APP from Google that would occupy the memory space, then, use the browser option by bookmark them into the chrome.

Another main component is about the camera, usually, the combination are below:
2 + 5
5 + 8
8 + 16
They are for the higher and higher photo quality demand from the users. And start the very high photo quality from the dual lens camera where are the very high pixel photo, which allows more photoshop extending innovation to each photo.

And then, the screen size, usually, there are:
The user needs feel good user-experience from using it and putting into the bag, so, cannot be so high and needs cannot be small, the feeling of grand are the demanding from the users, so, the factories work with the IDH and CPU factory to develop the PCBA allowed dimension to fulfill the Android user;s user-experience from seeing the screen.

The China smart phone are always under upgrading, for supporting the more and more innovation from Google as well as Android, for example, the Internet Of Thing & Internet Of Car, and there are many APP aka the products from Google that needs the hardware device to support too. And the hardware device is also the channel letting all Google product can reach to the hand of the global Android users too.

In the coming 5G, China Huawei is the rule-maker of the 5G, and that's based also the Android to be one of the main components of 5G and the smart phone from China too. And Google keeps update more cloud products likely Angular, daydream, firebase, TensorFlow launched in the year 2016.

The FinTech service from Google Cloud

The payment gateway aka FinTech was the old story, the updated one is about the using of the FinTech-money to buy more than the legal-cash-note-money can buy. Due to the FinTech company would keep of launching the offer, limited member offer, specially offer, coupon, buy-points, air-miles, discount, crowd-buy etc. There are all saving money options. And Google Pay is one of the gateway contributing as a faster casier, which is same as Apple-Pay.

Before that, the smart phone FinTech is about the NFC payment likely the mini-pay to the public vehicles, then, the mini payment to the likely game, ebook, DRM files etc.

Currently, it's about likely a back statement to record all personal buying-cash-flow to analysis the personal finance performance, personal load-service is one of the extended applications from it, and the building of a smart city credit-system is also another options. And the using to the Uber service is an innovation too. For example, Uber car is not allowed in Hong Kong, people can only use it with APP and settle the payment with Paypal or credit card online to the driver, which is about the innovation from FinTech to the real business.

In China, even more, which is a channel integrate all into one to provide the finance service and offer to the local people and the social weak. They can have the offer to save the money and keep their cash more safety from using such FinTech.

Sharing about my using with Google Photo Cloud to have more fun say as Mobile Life Services from Google Cloud

Assembly all photos with the reading of the positive emotion as well as smiling, any kids can massively selfy any massive photos and get massively upload to Google Photo Cloud backup, and Google cloud would read all of them and make them to be a short story, likely the following sample:
Which is one of the cloud working in Google Photo, aka, album.

It can also use g+ to share any instant-idea sharing instead of just the articles sharing of the knowledge with the blogger:
And the Google Map help to contribute the sight seeing passion sharing to anyone target with the same places:
Those are the idea sharing rather than the knowledge sharing.

And the Google drive comes to share any files online circulating the PDF and any internal documents which are supposed to open and update internally and especially work with Google Forum together.

In fact, most of the Google APP are designed also for the cloud, the newly launched ALLO chatting, which is even the A.I. backend to have the personalized recommendation interacting with the users.

And there are just the warm-up, the more passion from the life are going to realize with the 5G smart city, due to the more and more sharing especially from the social medias, which contribute much meaningful content to the big data, and the much faster speed online of 5G accelerate the city going to be more wise from the massive sharing.